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Raynette Mitchell, Author
Writer of Contemporary women's fiction
Are you interested in contemporary women's fiction stories?
Do you enjoy a good beach read?
Then check out the pages of the site to find out more about me and the first book in the series -
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​Writing and publishing this first book in the series has been an interesting journey. I'll be releasing the second book in the series early 2025.
Premier novel from Author
Raynette Mitchell
tells the story of Karen, and her journey through life - from an innocent 18 year-old under the spell of first love, to a much wiser, and experienced, middle-aged woman.
This intricate tale weaves together the lives of its characters in a way that will leave you spellbound. Don't miss out on this must-read book.
Due to be released on December 15, place your pre-order on the Contact page now.